Webslides (beta, patent pending)

webslides allows one to turn bookmarks and feeds into interactive slideshows by converting bookmarks, RSS feeds, blogs to slideshows in minutes. pretty cool tool, have not experienced the creation process myself, but you can also take a look at some of the samples available on the page.
saw that it is “patent-pending”, so does it mean that it’ll not be a FREE tool soon *hmm*

self-intro (cont.) 个人简介(续)

你好,来到这儿,想必单单那三张图不能满足你的好奇心是吧?这里就给你说说那三张图背后所代表的意义吧 🙂
这张图代表了我们一家四口(太太和两个孩子)。为什么”yh4″呢?因为我们的中文名字的拼音缩写都是“Y”+”H”,故四个人就是YH4,不难懂吧 🙂 这回来复旦留学,我们全家都来到上海了。一家人嘛,总是分不开的。
这是我之前执教的学校,培德中学的校徽。我是中学华文教师,我在培德教了三年半后就申请到教育部教育科技司ä任职,在那待了两年八个月。运用科技于语文教学是我的兴趣,网记(blog)、网上论坛(discussion forum)是其中两个例子。我在教育科技司除了一些小研究之外,主管《文化桥》网站也是我的任务之一。我目前是停职留学,回国后还是继续教书的 🙂
guzheng( 取自:http://www.yangzichan.com/)
这是一台古筝侧面的照片。我热爱华乐,曾参加过几个华乐团。古筝是我的独奏乐器,在乐队里,更多的时候我是拉二胡的。这几年由于工作的缘故,已经好一段时间没有练习了,手指也都不听使唤了。若你也是喜欢或学习华乐的,不妨和我说一声,那么我也就多了一个在海外的玩华乐的朋友了 🙂
msn messenger和我联系吧,我们网上再叙!我的帐号是tyhan [在] hotmail [点] com (按:你须要把 “在” 和 ”点“ 转换成它们相应的 @ 和 . 符号方可)
谢谢! 🙂

LIVAC Synchronous Corpus

was reading my standard reading for sociolinguistics and come across this important online resource:

The LIVAC (Linguistic Variations in Chinese Speech Communities) synchronous corpus, pioneered by the Language Information Sciences Research Centre at The City University of Hong Kong, contains texts from representative Chinese newspapers and electronic media of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau and Singapore. The collection of materials from the diverse communities is synchronized, and so offers an innovative “Window” approach for a whole variety of comparative studies and useful IT applications.