Blogging and Pedagogy

Anne Davis’s latest post at ESN. I have extracted some of the key ideas that resonates as I was reading …

… Blogs are unique in the ways they offer teachers incredible possibilities to build on the pedagogy. For instance, blogs can provide an opportunity to change our writing instruction to make it more meaningful and relevant for our students…
Blogging can be a place where we can make connections and dig deeper into how and what we are learning, both student and teacher…. Students are creating meanings that make sense to them because they are constructing them, not having pieces delivered to them that they just repeat…
On Audience and Comments … Students are used to the teacher being the only audience for their work. The realization that others think that what they have to say is important is empowering…
On Voice… Blogs give students a place for that voice to be heard by many. Many students that would be hesitant to speak in a classroom will share their ideas on a blog.

Other ideas include Conversations & Dialogue, Ownership & Choices, and Archives. Read the full posting here 🙂

HBR IdeaCast

Harvard Business School is introudcing the above free biweekly podcast featuring breakthrough management ideas and commentary from the editors and authors of Harvard Business School Publishing. To date, three episodes were posted. Click here for access or to start listening 🙂