Starting work anew

Bid farewell to my school for the past 3.5 years and reported to work at MOEHQ today. Will be working as an R&D officer in the Educational Technology Division. A series of orientation programme has been arranged for us to familiarise with the system/environment. There will be tons of learning to catch up and hopefully I will be able to adjust myself to my work asap.
Stay healthy and positive, cheers!

New year update

It’s now almost 2005. 10 min away. And beside me is my non-stop yh3 crawling around on top, yes on top, astinus. One year ago, he was still in me, and today, 5 min ago, he has succeeded in climbing onto his Tomy activity table and the sofa and almost succeeded in climbing onto the TV cabinet. Oops. That makes 1 less place, or more, that’s safe at home. 🙂 The wonder of life.

试题解析(一) (A PodCast)


读书是要学做人,学做有用的人。如果,狭隘[xia2 ai4](21)地理解”有用”一词,把它拘束于物质上的用途,那么,只做有用的人是不够的。














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Constellation; Soul Type

During a self-declared break this afternoon, went back to the student’s blog that inspired the HPINIT project.
Found 2 recent entries quite intersting, one is about Ophiuchus, the 13th constellation not found in this day’s zodiac. Well, constellations … stars … reminds me of the physics module Understanding the Universe back in NUS. One most unforgettable thing is the quiz, where you witness MCQ questions with choices ‘A’ to ‘N’ (yes, 14 choices)! *faint*
The other entry was on one of those personality tests easily found on the web. After making a few clicks, it seems that I belongs to the “Hunter Soul“, the result of my responses obviously 😛