Alice – Learn to Program with Interactive 3D Graphics

Learning to program a computer is hard.

Alice makes learning to program easier. And it’s fun.

Alice makes programming more accessible to girls as well as boys.

This is what Alice is about. A wordy version of the about goes here.
The focus of the Alice project is now to provide the best possible first exposure to programming for students ranging from middle schoolers to college students.
You may want to check out the demo videos to see what Alice is capable of before downloading the software 🙂

ThinkFree Office Online (Beta)

If you want the ability to edit MS Office documents (word, ppt, xls) or to create PDF files on any computer that is connected to the Internet but without the software installed, try ThinkFree Office Online by signing up for a basic/trial account that offers 30MB of online storage.
As this utilises java applet(s) that need to be downloaded, hence the first time you access it on a computer can take quite some time. Subsequent use should be faster as the applet has been previously cached.